The fighter Justin Thornton died after a bare knuckle fight knockout :(

1:13:00 PM Tkd kwan 0 Comments


Justin Thornton is a mixed martial arts fighter, born in the united states in Natchez, Mississippi.

Justin Thornton has passed away at the age of 38 years old. The boxer was knocked out by Dillon Cleckler on Aug. 20 in Mississippi at a Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship bout, which was the main cause of this dramatic end :(

According to his Facebook page, Justin was taken to the hospital with serious injuries after that dangerous knockout, He was paralyzed and needed assistance to breath, He also had an infection in his lungs and the spinal cord.

This is absolutely a very sad news for his family, friends and martial arts fans.

We do think that some fighting styles should make more changes to increase the safety of athletes, and it is honestly inacceptable to organize  a Bare Knuckle  fights, because they are not safe at all, and if they did not cause death they would would cause serious injuries.  

The organizers and the promotors do really care only about the business and money behind this fights, and neglect the fact that athletes are causing serious damage to each other.

We hope that the martial arts community will wake up and try to make changes in those competitions that neglect safety of athletes.