Participate and win a shootout on INSTAGRAM

5:32:00 PM Tkd kwan 0 Comments

 Good day everyone,

We are glad to announce our first INSTAGRAM Photo contest for our Taekwondo community fans and followers.

Let's explain the the contest :)


The top 6 winners will win a free boost/Shootout for their Instagram account.

The 6 winners will be 3 males and 3 females.

How to participate in this photo contest?

1- Like this picture, tag 5 of your friends and repost the picture 👇

2- post your Taekwondo picture in your IG profile and Tag us: @worldtaekwondofamily

3- Only Taekwondo kicks are accepted in the contest

We will accept the participation from now till 20/05/2021

Our team will be choosing the best 6 winners, and we will post them on our feed and story.

This is our first contest, and we hope the next one will be better

                                                    Credit (Cassandra Haller)