Ahmad Abu Ghosh sentenced to 6 months in prison

6:18:00 AM Tkd kwan 0 Comments

The Jordanian Taekwondo champion Ahmad Abu Ghosh was sentenced to 6 months in prison
On Thursday, the Jordanian Public Security Court sentenced the Jordanian Taekwondo athlete Ahmed Abu Ghosh to six months in prison on charges of falsifying official documents and illegal possession of a passport, according to what his lawyer confirmed to Agency France-Presse.
Lawyer Ziyad al-Najdawi said that the court had ruled Abu Ghosh “for the offense of providing false statements with the intention of obtaining an ID card and sentencing him to two months imprisonment, possession of a passport illegally and sentencing him to six months imprisonment, violation of orders and instructions related to his duty and military capacity, and a two-month prison sentence (The Military Penal Code), "in addition to" insulting the public security directorate and sentencing him to two months imprisonment. "
Pursuant to the provisions of Article 72 of the Criminal Procedure Code in Jordan, the most severe penalty is applied, which is six months imprisonment.
On October 30, Abu Ghosh announced his international retirement at the age of 24, surprisingly. 
We have no more words to say except that the environment like that would discourage other athletes, and no wonder that many athletes who live in the third world countries change their nationalities and look for a better future somewhere else.
We hope Abughaush will get over this, and hopefully he will change his mind about his retirement after all this drama.
The young Jordanian athlete is only 24 years old, and the future is still in front him and we can still expect good results in his future participations.
We do believe that many countries would interested to have Ahmad Abughaush in their national teams, and we do think that it would be probably the best step in his career.
AbuGhaush is the only athlete to bring a gold medal in the Olympics to his country which was a shock for many including his country, but unfortunately after his official retirement the Jordan Taekwondo national team would need a miracle to find someone with the same skill.
                                             Picture source: https://royanews.tv/news/228348