Kiai master (No touch power) beaten by an MMA fighter 🤷‍♂️

9:49:00 AM Tkd kwan 0 Comments

The magic trick of No touch did not wotk this time with an MMA fighter. 
The Kiai master as they called him got a real painful lesson against someone who believes in real contact fighting. 

Before the fight happened there was a video of the kiai master in his dojo with his students demonstrating his magical powers, and showing his no touch hits.
We really do not know if the students and he made it up or if his students believe in his magic.
This fake master got challenged and accepted the challenge, which was a big mistake 😁😁, then got beaten so hard.. In some moments during the fight you can see the MMA fighter hesitating and more careful, maybe he had doubts this master was real 😁

Let's watch 👇