Elbow caused skull fracture

3:54:00 AM Tkd kwan 0 Comments


     A Muay Thai fighter endured a terrifying injury to his skull, resulting in a prominent dent in his forehead following a brutal elbow strike. The French fighter, known as Jeremy, displayed remarkable resilience by continuing to fight despite the collapse of part of his skull. Subsequently, he underwent emergency surgery to rectify his severe head injury.

The distressing incident unfolded at the Patong Stadium in Thailand, witnessed by professional fighter Jonny Betts, who is acquainted with Jeremy through their shared training at the Tiger Muay Thai gym in Phuket. Betts shared images of the fighter's harrowing injury on social media, generating widespread attention and concern.

Detailing the event, Betts expressed shock over the "nasty injury" caused by a forceful elbow strike during a professional Muay Thai fight at a local stadium. Although Jeremy sustained no brain injuries and remarkably continued fighting even after the grave incident, the fight eventually came to a halt at the referee's discretion, prompting immediate medical attention for the stricken fighter.

Providing further insight, Betts recounted the visceral impact of the fight, detailing the moment when Jeremy's Thai opponent delivered a formidable elbow strike that resulted in the substantial injury. Jeremy, demonstrating immense determination, remained composed and unwavering before the referee intervened to summon medical assistance, leading to the termination of the match.

Despite the frightening nature of the injury, there was immense relief that no accompanying brain injuries were sustained. Jeremy's unwavering resolve and tenacity in continuing to fight despite such a distressing injury further underscored his extraordinary courage and inner strength. Post-surgery, he is now in recovery, buoyed by the outpouring of well wishes and support from the Muay Thai community and well-wishers worldwide, as he embarks on the road to restoration and healing.
