Bloody job

3:24:00 PM Tkd kwan 0 Comments

 Last weekend at the Metro Radio Arena in Newcastle, Robbie Davies Jr and Glenn Foot put on an intense and fiery fight that had the crowd on edge. The bout was overseen by Watford-based referee Bob Williams, who was called upon multiple times to intervene and issue stern warnings to the fighters as the tension threatened to boil over.

Davies Jr sustained a cut above his eye, causing blood to flow and staining the referee's white shirt a deep crimson. Despite this, Williams continued to officiate, even remaining ringside for the main event between Ritson and Patera, still wearing the blood-stained shirt.
Following the fight, Williams made the decision to auction off his stained shirt in an effort to raise funds for BoxCleva, a charity he chairs. Founded in 2010, BoxCleva was established to keep children off the streets and now supports around 260 children across 13 sites in Hertfordshire. Recognized for its impactful work, the charity received the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service in 2016 and has the esteemed former World Champion John Conteh MBE as its Patron.