Jean Claude Van Damme kicked by a fan. Check what happened later :)

3:34:00 AM Tkd kwan 0 Comments

Jean Claude Van Damme was and still one of the most shinning icons of the martial arts movies, especially during the eighties and early nineties. It is true that people lose their physical skills and techniques when they get older, but losing those abilities wont be 100% if the person has a good healthy life style with the commitment to the physical training.
Jean Claude Van Damme is sixty one years old now, but he still can kick and he still can entertain us, and we all remember the epic split that he did in the 75 seconds commercial short footage he made for Volvo Trucks, that was in 2013 and JCVD was 53 years old. For sure all the safety precautions were taken seriously to make that film and the split should be real :)
We came across this event that Jean Claude Van Damme was attending and he was on stage with some of his fans, and JCVD wanted to explain how can kicks can be effective in martial arts. 
Kicks can be well performed and can be beautiful but that was not the main goal of training kicks in martial arts, and the objective is to be able to perform very effective kicks, that is how you can save your self in a situation. 
Beautiful kicks are amazing to watch in a demonstration but we should not neglect the main goal.
The fan here seems to be a real and a talented martial artist with a great flexibility, and he even impressed the audience when he performed a great head kick toward Jean Claude Van Damme.
JCVD aged of 53 years old on this video had to respond of course and to show off some of his 50s skills :) He performed a fast middle kick to the fan's stomach, and according the reaction we can clearly see that he was hurt. The fan is a big man as we  can see which makes his ability to handle kicks better, even though, JCVD had a certain effect on him.
What do you guys think about JCVD kicks?