Strip Tae Tease

12:22:00 AM Tkd kwan 27 Comments


 The article today is about an event that went viral and was a scandal in Taekwondo community.
The Hanmadang competition is created to allow many people from different ages to compete in Taekwondo vents such Poomsae, Kyukpa, demonstrations.. and it is an opportunity for practitioners who stopped competing to get back to competition and have some fun and also medals :)
During the 2017 World Taekwondo Hanmadang, a team composed of Korean girls just shocked the audience because they brought to stage something that we did see before. 
It seems that WT would allow anything in Taekwondo no matter what the results would be.
This show was a shame for Taekwondo community, especially because this demonstration looks like it was composed in a nightclub.
Besides including those dirty dances and no Taekwondo techniques, these girls cloths are exposing the body shape in a dirty way (tight and thin).
This team included the famous Ktigers star called Tammy (Tae Mi) and other girls ( Yulhee (LABOUM), Minji Jo (K Tigers), JooE (Momoland), Janey, Kiryang Park, Seungji Maeng, Juminjeong, Migyo)
Taekwondo as we knew it brought principles and philosophies that have roots from old Korean culture is nowadays getting rid of them 😔
We are not here to attack anyone in person, but we think that people who supposed to protect Taekwondo tradition are the ones destroying it. 
This demonstration got a lot of negative feed back from Taekwondo and martial arts communities in general, and it seems that it has an effect on this type of demonstrations, at least we have not seen anything similar to this.
We just hope that the Kukkiwon and the World Taekwondo Federation will get back to the origins and the tradition, because this strategy of ''No limits'' will just destroy Taekwondo that we knew.
Taekwondo should save its tradition as martial art and  the schools should retrieve the old training methods that vanished. This way we will get back the fighting style that can be used for self defense.
Watch this 👇


  1. And they wonder why other martial artists laugh at TKD?

    1. Well this definitely is not TKD

  2. Taekwondo has become an embarrassment in the traditional martial arts world.

  3. I dont see the problem, most martial arts are just a show anyway.

  4. What on earth? Look, if you are considering Taekwondo, this is NOT it. To call this crap is an insult to crap

  5. Also, the advert for American Dragon is off putting as well, as it is run by a fraudulent figurehead who has had his rank stripped by the KHF for dirty dealings and extreme dishonesty. If you can control your ads, I’d recommend ensuring that nothing attached to Richard Hackworth is allowed on your site.

  6. I wondered what this was from the start.
    In my sense and point of view, this is an embarrassment to the art and philosophy of taekwondo.

  7. EXTREMELY disgusting and disgrace to Korea. Gra

  8. Só sei dizer uma coisa...os Coreanos da WT, estão a destruir o Taekwon-Do.
    É uma vergonha, e uma falta de respeito por milhares de Mestres e milhões de praticantes, que deram o melhor das suas vidas, para dignificar o menos, respeitem os vosssos antepassados 😔😟😤😡😠

  9. I am guessing that the demonstration was for entertainment purposes only. No need to hate on the ladies. I believe that they may have taken time to choreograph the demonstration. It was to keep the crowd entertained while the real athletes prepared for their competition. Think of them as the Korean Taekwondo Cheerleaders. Kinda like the Laker Girls or Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders!

  10. Welcome to the 21st Century. Girls are allowed to look sexy and athletic. This is healthy conpared to the alternatives out there.

  11. Is not Taekwondo without the "Tenets". We are capable of many other great things also.
    1 Courtesy
    2 Integrity
    3 Perseverance
    4 Self-control
    5 Indomitable spirit

  12. People getting upset over a cheerleader act. Don’t take it so seriously

  13. Most of the old chapions and pksyers are very sad about the knew taekwondo techniques and hoe it became nowadays

  14. If this is a performance then I can accept but to score 8.90 for that? That is in bad taste... out of all, only Tae Mi can kick, all others basically bad in term of all basics, cant even perform a correct moa seogi before bowing! These are dance girl and I believe they are recruited not by taekwondo skill but by dance skill. Typical weak punch that start from chest level.

  15. Martial Arts should keep in Serious not as Entertainment

  16. It’s just entertainment. This isn’t the Korean A Team demo. Nice try girls 😉

  17. Isn’t K girls a pop group in korea and if so maybe this was the entertainment before the tournament like half time at the Super Bowl

  18. The figth between purism and innovation is as old as human kind. In tkd, for people trained in ITF, WTF is too relaxed and not very "martial", not even mention what we think about things like Tae-Bo. So I wellcome innovation, but also I love TKD in the pure form.
    What I conclude from the video is that the score was TOO HIGH .. I did not see much taekwondo int the show. The people is free to do whatever they want but judges has the responsability of guiding the crowd.

  19. Don’t take it so hard it’s not a d**k. They’re entertainers. Not real TKD students. At least in Korea they’re real women and not boys who pretend to be
