Kicking Tips
Here are few tips to consider while practicing kicks in Taekwondo or other martial arts:
Avoid a full power kick:
Most Taekwondo kicks are known for their effectiveness and most of them require bending and extending the knee or a twisting motion. The kicks should be performed carefully, and amount of power delivered should be based according to the purposes of your training; if you seek to improve or correct your techniques, then you do not need much power during the performance, and you have to know that more power with a low technique could be a cause of injury. If you are looking to increase your kicking power, you have to work on a target (a kicking bag or a target that opposes the kicking force)
- Avoid passing your flexibility range of motion when kicking:
Some trainees try to kick higher than their flexibility abilities, which cause an extreme stretch on the muscle or an extreme motion on the articulation. Therefore, this may cause a stretch or a tear on a muscle, ligament or a tendon. It is so important to work on improving flexibility in order to be more comfortable when performing kicks and also to decrease the like hood of getting injured.
- Build your muscles:
Working out in the gym would be an excellent option for your taekwondo training, because the kicking techniques could not be handled by wear muscles. The trainee should not ignore any muscle of the body, but should focus more on legs (quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves) because they hold the body weight. Working out in the gym does not mean to aim a bodybuilder body or huge muscles because this may have some cons.
- The repetition:
One of the important keys to master kicks or any other technique is repetition; more practice helps you to get the correct technique and also get used to it.
"I fear not the man who has practiced ten thousand kicks once. But I fear the man who has practiced one kick ten thousand times’’ Bruce Lee
For beginners:
- Pay total attention when your master is giving an explanation through a verbal way or a practical demonstration, and avoid performing in that moment.
- Never start by kicking a heavy bag.
- Do not throw a kick to the bag until you master that kick.
- Do not pick a kick as your favorite.
- A good warm up and stretching should be correctly done before kicking, and the new student should not try to imitate advanced students.
We hope these few tips about kicking would be helpful.
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