Recovery of Kukkiwon-Style Taekwondo (the authentic Taekwondo)
The WTA (World Taekwondo Academy) under the
Kukkiwon will train the authentic Taekwondo. Therefore, it is preparing a new traditional Taekwondo program which will be consisted of Poomsae, Gyeorugi, Gyeokpa(breaking), Hosinsul(self-defense), the fundamental techniques(kicks, blocks, punches, and strikes), discipline, self-confidence, respect, etiquette, and justice.
Nowadays, the function of martial arts Taekwondo is fading away but Taekwondo is only distorted and developed as a sport. Let all grand masters and masters should practice the traditional Taekwondo.
The WTA (World Taekwondo Academy) under the
Kukkiwon will train the authentic Taekwondo. Therefore, it is preparing a new traditional Taekwondo program which will be consisted of Poomsae, Gyeorugi, Gyeokpa(breaking), Hosinsul(self-defense), the fundamental techniques(kicks, blocks, punches, and strikes), discipline, self-confidence, respect, etiquette, and justice.
Nowadays, the function of martial arts Taekwondo is fading away but Taekwondo is only distorted and developed as a sport. Let all grand masters and masters should practice the traditional Taekwondo.
My children attend a school that teaches the importance of TaeKwonDo as a way of life and not just a sport. Master Hart is passionate about the impact he makes with our children and how that takes effect in their lives. I agree that TKD should always be more than just sport!
ReplyDeleteThey should Join ITF If they really want to return to traditional Taekwon-Do
ReplyDeleteAgree with that. ITF and WTF mast be one.
DeleteI prefer the OPs comment. Abolish the monstrosity that is WT and just have the true traditional ITF.
DeleteTrue traditional? Chung Do Kwan was the original, and is within the WT line. So if you want TRUE traditional, go back to CDK roots
DeleteTraditional Taekwondo never went away. It's still there. It's just not visible because practitioners don't compete.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you master Fernando. It's true. Lets be visible. Something will be done. I believe and i know, TKD master never fail in their decisions. Taekwon
DeleteI'm practising traditional Taekwondo with my students
ReplyDeleteShould be one traditional Taekwondo and one sports Taekwondo. One is for selfdefense, and one is for points.
ReplyDeleteBut surely K-pop dance, sexy doboks and touchy-feely foot fencing are the future.
ReplyDeleteI agree. It's even shown nowadays that Taekwondo principles are being forgotten. Some other students they have ambition on getting black belt for less rational reasons they even beg for it to satisfy their needs. Sometimes the power is given to MNA' s Presidents and no more respect to superiors. They corrupt them to get black belt becouse are the one who are holding KMS password and so on. Bringing back ions TKD will full fill the empty side of discipline.So be it Masters. I have infinity passion for Taekwondo. Is my life and the most thing I love beside Lord, my parents, my family and Taekwondo people. Taekwon
ReplyDeleteFrom historical point of view, the classical, or traditional TKD (e.g. Kwon Jae Hwa) is Terje closest to original TKD. But as everything in life, also TKD is developing forward, which is neither good, not bad.
ReplyDeleteAs Fernando already mentioned, traditional TKD was always here! Come in and try out! Everybody is welcome!
Traditional TKD had never died, it might have been put to the side as the Olympic aspect prevailed but the original principals are still there. As a club we train both traditional and Olympic sparring. We have instructors who are more focused on the Sport and others who are more focused on the Tradional aspect ... but the student has to learn both. Whoever wants to progress further needs to be tested in all the traditional disciplines mentioned above and as a Federation we follow Kukkiwon Black Belt Grading.
ReplyDeleteTraditional TKD can be very interesting, it is just a matter of presenting it and giving it more publicity
TKD je nastao sredinom 20 stoljeća,kada je jedan Korejski general spojio sve izvorne Korejske borilačke vještine:Taekyon(borba nogama-od tuda su nastala pravila natjecanja u borbi)+Tang Soo Do(Karate Do)+Hapkido(Korejska inačica Japanskog Aikida(jer su bili pod okupacijom i utjecajom Japana) itd. Mislim da je mali problem kod ITF TKD jer dan danas neke škole uče karate kate! Smatram kako ništa netreba mjenjati,nego učiti malo više,vratiti disciplinu i samoopoštovanje!!!!